#9 – Croft Griffin

#9 – Croft Griffin

I left on 11/13/2019 for Kentucky, planning to hunt until Sunday. This was my 4th consecutive year hunting the rut in Kentucky, but the first year being in a saddle. To say I went all in was a lite...
#10 – Jackson Ellis

#10 – Jackson Ellis

I got hooked by the saddle bug in the summer of 2019, and quickly assembled the gear necessary. I went in for the first hunt of 2019 on October 3rd. On my walk in, I jumped one of my target bucks. ...
#1 – Austin Chandler

#1 – Austin Chandler

The fall of 2018 was one of highs and lows for me. It was an unforgettable season. The previous spring I picked up the largest set of sheds I had ever found. A 200 inch nontypical with matching 9 i...
#2 – Mark Udelhofen

#2 – Mark Udelhofen

2018 came with many new changes for me. I decided to go all in on saddle hunting. I had been a mobile hunter with climbing sticks and a XOP hang on stand since 2016 when I decided to give up our 40...
#3 – Justin Oosterbaan

#3 – Justin Oosterbaan

It was my firstborns due date, October 28, but she was just going to have to wait. I was in the woods by 2:30 after it rained most of the day. The radar was ominous. I walked into where I had shot ...
#4 – Clayton Bahn

#4 – Clayton Bahn

Freshly motivated by Ted on the Hunting Public web-show, I also visualized myself in hero-shots sporting an 80s style, bushy mustache. The first week of November came and passed at a snails pace b...
#5 – John Zeigler

#5 – John Zeigler

It was a stormy Halloween. Already soaked from the rain, I questioned the value of sticking it out on highly pressured public land. Yet I knew that coming gaps in the radar showed promise for deer ...
#6 – David Terry

#6 – David Terry

When it comes to whitetails and killing good public land deer, I would not be the guy that comes to mind. However, I would place my ability to get on the big public land bucks with anyone. The last...
#7 – Rock Bortell

#7 – Rock Bortell

First things first, this buck was killed in some rough country in the coalfield mountains of southern WV. I had a history of this buck eluding my every move the last couple years. With hundreds up...
#8 – Zachary Rau

#8 – Zachary Rau

It was a few days into the season and the high hunting pressure of northern Michigan’s public land was besting most of the hunters in the woods. Deer sign started to disappear in the weeks leading ...
#9 – Grant Lemon

#9 – Grant Lemon

After a very long season marred with the heartache of losing a good buck to a bad hit, and heart break from losing my best friend, an extremely loyal golden lab, I was ready for the season to end. ...
#10 – John Dolan

#10 – John Dolan

On December 1, 2018 I left my house in North Georgia to go on a quota hunt in Rome, Georgia at Berry college! Weather man called for rain but after waiting all week to be off work I was going regar...



The 'best' is hard to define. What makes it the best for one hunter could be wildly different than another. While a hunter in the Midwest might value the P&Y score more than anything, a DIY public land hunter in the deep South might value the amount of sweat equity expended more than the size of the rack. The self-filmer might value the creativity that went into the imagery or the documentation of the story. Maybe it was a hunter’s first buck, or a Veteran battling his demons who found an escape into the whitetail woods. None of those judgments are wrong. There is no definition of the “best” for the Tethrd Ten.

The Tethrd Ten serialized commemorative coin is only presented to those voted as the best.
You can’t buy it. You can’t grow it. You can’t build it. You must earn it.

The Ten is voted on by saddle hunters and published at the beginning of each new hunting season.